Why Use Cannabis

The London Cannabis Clinic was founded solely for the advancement of medicinal cannabis as a pain treatment. Only trained specialists can prescribe medicinal cannabis, which is why our team is made up of highly qualified and skilled medical practitioners, all of whom have extensive experience in this field. When you come to us, you get a treatment plan which is tailored to you and personalised from beginning to end.
How does it work?
To start, you will have to give consent to sharing your personal information, before completing a pain questionnaire that gives us more information on your condition. This is then reviewed by a specialist, who will invite you to a consultation where your pain and its causes can be evaluated in more depth. Your consultant will assess the problem and carry out any further examinations which may be needed.
They will then explain the best course of treatment, based on their diagnosis and knowledge of which forms of medicinal cannabis are best suited to your condition. If you’re happy to continue, then they will begin the treatment process and invite you to regular follow-ups to monitor your progress and make adjustments if they are required. Once your course of treatment is concluded, there will be questionnaires about your experience, to assess its efficacy and ensure we provide you and other patients with improved care in the future.
Why choose us?
As medicinal cannabis is still a relatively new field of medicine, there are very few specialist clinics within the UK. Of the handful which are operating, the London Cannabis Clinic is widely viewed as the most advanced. We have a strong reputation for the quality of services we provide, placing our patients at the heart of everything we do and constantly striving to improve the treatments we can provide.
Our team is comprised of only the most highly trained and well-qualified individuals, all of whom have many years of experience and are fully authorised to dispense medicinal cannabis. We are renowned for our high standards and the quality of care we deliver, ensuring you are treated with compassion and respect throughout the course of your treatment with us. We also see you receive the very best aftercare, to make sure your quality of life has improved and to hear the feedback which enables us to constantly improve our services.